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“Camden struggled to learn her letters and has always been a poor reader. She was below her class benchmark for reading. She hated reading and didn’t even want to try and would have a short attention span and issues with staying on task in school. Her listening comprehension was also poor. We knew that we needed to get Camden extra help to be successful. We were referred to Vision Therapy Academy and learned that Camden had convergence insufficiency or poor eye teaming and tracking.Camden worked so hard over the 24 weeks. At first it was hard to get her to do her home sessions, but after she realized how much it was helping her, she wanted to do the sessions. Camden loved working with her vision therapist, Sandy. Her focus and attention is so much better and we have also seen big improvements in her wanting to read, writing, ramden said that vision therapy has changed her life. Thank you, Vision Therapy Academy, for this amazing program as well as the amazing staff that we worked with. We are so thankful for this program!”
Parents of Camden, 8 years old

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