Posted on by shannon@visiontherapyacademy.com“Why did I wait so long?
First a little perspective…. I’ve known about Dr. Wonderling and VT for at least 23 years. I put two of my three sons through VT over a decade ago. I even referred my co-worker. After she was through she had her daughter go through VT. She strongly encouraged me to do it over a year ago when I was first considering it for myself. I knew I had issues. When my boys had their materials home, I tried it. Everything from my left eye was black. I knew then I needed VT. But I am an accomplished adult. I have multiple college degrees, despite being the slowest reader on the planet!! I have a good career. It’s fine. I convinced myself I don’t really need it. And then.. it was getting more and more difficulty to back up the car. Switching back and forth between mirrors and the camera I thought things in my periphery were actually jumping around. It spooked me as I jerked the wheel around. I have never been able to use y binocular microscope at work and just see on ear canal to work on but I could get by. The kicker, the Final Straw, was when I was in the grocery store and everything on the shelf was shaking back and forth. I actually felt sick. I finally called and came in. I never expected to be as emotion al as I was when I tried to do the activities and I couldn’t read a straight down line of letters under the red and green. I buckled down, worked hard, and 13 very fast weeks later, I can back up my car without jumping, I can see one ear canal with my binoculars (and also one Eastern Blue Bird)!!! And things on the store shelf don’t jump around. I know I waited, but I urge you not to. It’s worth every penny! This group is the most caring and wonderful group you could ever imagine working with. I’m almost afraid to stop but they assure me I’m ready to go do life on my own again. I’m sure they wouldn’t let me go if I wasn’t ready. My advice is… just do it NOW!”