
Posted on by shannon@visiontherapyacademy.com

My success story starts with my therapist, Sandy. She helped my eyes work better. I really liked going to Vision Therapy. I can see colors and shapes better, I can catch, dribble, and shoot balls better. I can see the smartboard at school better. I concentrate in school better, my eyes don’t hurt as much, and I don’t rub them as often. I have more energy. That is my success story.”
– Ayden, age 8

“We are so grateful for Vision Therapy Academy! It has done wonders for my/our son and our family. In a short amount of time, we started seeing a difference in Ayden. He was not rubbing his eyes as much and he wasn’t as crabby at night as he usually was. He enjoyed reading books again, like he did before his vision issues. We were able to take his prism lenses out of his glasses, and that was a big deal for all of us because of his better mood and vision details. We started seeing an improvement at his gymnastics practices and also at PE at school. Ayden’s art teacher told us how she has seen a major improvement in his coloring and drawing skills. Just last week, he wanted to buy himself a new bike with his birthday money. He had refused to ride a bike for the past two years, because honestly, we feel he could not balance correctly because of his vision problems. Problem solved, because he loves his bike, and wants to ride it everyday. Thank you very much for having such a great program and having a very special instructor.”
-Parents of Ayden

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