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“Now reading is a lot easier. Ms Jennifer is awesome.”
-Brayton, age 8

“Our son loved to be read to but always struggled to repeat simple words. School started for him and COVID hit. He missed all of pre-k and most of kindergarten. We really struggled at home, getting very frustrated as parents, what were we doing wrong? Why didn’t our son recognize the word “the” and couldn’t pick it up when it was on every page. Got a vision test from and eye doctor = 20/20 vision. Asked his doctor and were told to have him evaluated for ADHD for his focus issues. He still struggled to read and was far below the level expected for first grade. People told me, just be patient, boys take longer to read. I tried, but he just fell farther behind in school. After conferences and hearing he was going further backwards not being able to read his math questions my gut instincts took over. I had heard of Vision Therapy Academy from my hair stylist as her son had attended. We took the leap and had him evaluated. I cried when I saw the initial evaluation process and saw what my son was really “seeing” and how hard he was trying, but his eyes weren’t working together.

We made the commitment and started the therapy. Jennifer made things very clear and even with our son not being very willing- we working through the therapy at home and in the office. Today, 35 weeks later, he graduates and is successfully reading on his own. As a parent, we always want to see our children succeed and I was so lost not being able to teach him to read. Without Vision Therapy Academy we would still be fighting with him. Watching his success now and him helping his sister sound out words is beyond amazing from where we started. Thank you Vision Therapy Academy from the bottom of our hearts, swelling with pride over how far he’s come.”
-The Olsons

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