Kat FB

Posted on by shannon@visiontherapyacademy.com

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“In 1st grade we noticed that reading wasn’t clicking for Katherine as we thought it should. Halfway through 1st grade COVID hit and she ended up in Virtual Learning for the remainder of 1st grade and the majority of 2nd grade. We were able to get her extra help and worked with her teacher to do additional reading and phonics work at home but nothing really helped. I shared my concerns with a friend who mentioned Vision Therapy. The more research we did, we quickly realized we knew a number of individuals that went through Vision Therapy and EVERY person said it was life changing. We booked an appointment with Dr Wonderling and she quickly made her recommendations.
Through initial testing we learned that Katherine was below her age level in many aspects of vision and reading. We felt awful knowing that no matter how hard she tried and no matter what we did, we didn’t have the knowledge or tools to help her succeed. Katherine started VT in September of 2021 and graduated 7 sessions early in April 2022.
Vision Therapy is not easy, it is expensive, and it is a huge time commitment for the entire family. There were also many struggles along the way but we just reminded ourselves that reading is a basic fundamental skill she will need for the rest of her life in every aspect. We simply had to keep pushing through. Not only did Vision Therapy teach her how to read, it has changed her life. She no longer gets car sick, is consistent with hitting a softball, shooting a gun, playing basketball and her test scores in school have improved tremendously. The most remarkable change we have noticed is her confidence level; her teacher was so impressed with her improvements that she sent us an email just to let us know that, “Katherine volunteers to read in front of her peers every single time there is an opportunity.”
-Katherine’s parents

“Vision Therapy was hard, but I learned that if I worked hard I could do it. I was the one who had to do the work but that means I am the one who gets the reward. I like to read now and school is easier. It has helped me with my other subjects in school too. I also can concentrate in class; if others are talking I can keep focusing on what I’m working on.”
-Katherine (May 2022)

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