
Posted on by shannon@visiontherapyacademy.com

“Kole loved to read & go to school when he was younger. After Kindergarten, his love for school & reading no longer existed & he was not happy. Winter of 2021, we noticed Kole blinking a lot when he would get done reading or watching TV (anything that really required his eyes to focus). He also was stuck with his reading & just could not excel anymore. We made an appointment for an eye exam & we walked out of that appointment with reading glasses & a not so happy boy. Fast forward to 2nd grade, we talked into fall conferences & the first words out of his teacher’s mouth were “I think Kole would benefit from Vision Therapy”. The next day I called to set up his appointment. For the next 24 weeks we committed to getting our happy boy back. Kole worked extremely hard & wanted to get better. After only a month I received a call from his teacher saying how much better Kole was doing in school. After about 2 months he had gone up a reading level & his test scores were better. He was enjoying school! At spring conferences his teacher told us this was the best thing for Kole & how he has excelled. He even bumped up another reading level. The best part of Kole doing vision therapy is that there are three other boys in his class that do vision therapy as well. They would talk about it at school, so Kole knew he was not alone. He no longer must wear his reading glasses, unless he feels like his eyes are tired. We have our happy boy back!!! We are so thankful for everyone at Vision Therapy Academy.”
-Kole’s parents

“I wasn’t very good at reading, but I like to read. My eyes would get tired. I would always lose my spot. I liked working with Shannon. I enjoyed playing the pink pong game and oculus. Dr. Wonderling was always fun and kind. Vision therapy has helped me become a better reader and do better in school. I don’t have to wear my reading glasses as much. I am so happy I dd vision therapy.”
-Kole, age 8

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