Mere FB

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“Before I started vision therapy, I was going cross eyed when I was reading and writing. Now after doing vision therapy I have gotten better and my eyes don’t cross anymore. I now feel like I can see better far away! And close up! Thank you Dr. Wonderling, Miss Kendra, Miss Sandy and Nancy.”
Mere, age 7

“At age 3, Meredith was diagnosed with an astigmatism. We saw a specialist every year and she eventually had glasses prescribed. After she started school, her teachers noticed that she was struggling to stay focused and engaged and suggested we talk to her primary car doctor about it. Her doctor suggested we start VT.

When we met Dr. Wonderling and her team, we knew right away that we were in great hands to get our girl to where she needed to be! It has been amazing as a parent to watch the transformation that Meredith has gone through. My favorite memory is when Mere started reading road signs in the car as we drove. She hadn’t done that before and we didn’t realize that she couldn’t read them properly!

We are so grateful for Dr. Wonderling, Miss Kendra, Miss Sandy, Nancy and the entire team at the Vision Therapy Academy for all of their hard work and dedication! Thank you!”
-Parents of Mere

July 2022

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