Natalie, Facebook

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“Before I started therapy I did not like to read. After school I was always tired and did not like to do homework. Now since I have gone to therapy, I love to read and able to do homework without complaining. I can do homework all by myself. I loved to go to therapy because Ms. Jen and Ms. Kendra were always nice and fun. I liked the activities and how they helped me.”
-Natalie, age 10
“We are so thankful that I had heard of Vision Therapy Academy from a parent while on a school field trip last year. My daughter seemed to have the same symptoms as their child, so I decided to check into it further. Natalie struggled on a daily basis with reading, spelling, and daily homework. Her concentration, comprehension, and self confidence were also affected daily.
At 2nd grade I had noticed that she was continually having difficulty with reading and spelling. Upon consulting with her teacher I asked to have her evaluated with a reading specialist at school. Sure enough, the tests found that she would benefit from some extra help during school. One day my daughter commented that she had a hard time seeing the whiteboard at school, so I set up an appointment and had her eyes checked out. Her vision was 20/20 but they suggested for us to do some eye exercises at home. Unfortunately, it only lasted a short time as her concentration and frustration made her very upset when she was doing this and it became a battle. That summer she continued with a school reading summer class a couple times a week. She continued to get extra help in school through 3rd grade. During this time, thinking this is what she needed but actually not realizing how badly she needed help to “correct” her eyes and how bad they actually were. I truly thought she would grow out of it and that she just needed to “focus” better. Every night she would struggle with homework and concentration after school. I would always need to sit at her side to work with her on the homework. She would cry and get so frustrated, which was very difficult and frustrating for me to see.
In July, just before returning to school for 4th grade, I made a consultation appointment with Dr. Wonderling at Vision Therapy Academy. I knew I didn’t want her to get any further behind for her age and grade as I had a feeling that something was wrong. The tests at the appointment were saddening. Results showed that she struggles with convergence insufficiency, which is an eye condition that affects how your eyes work together when you look at nearby objects. We found that her right eye would wander, along with this, she was having some double vision and tracking issues. She needed help with correcting this and it was no just an easy fix by getting glasses as her vision was 20/20, nor would she ever grow out of this either. She needed a vision profession to help her.
Natalie’s first therapy was in August with Vision Therapy Academy and after the 1st and 2nd month we started to see big changes. She was more confident with her reading, able to work on homework herself, and was not completely exhausted after coming home from school. Family members all noticed a difference and how she seemed to be much more confident and happier. Her vision testing scores improved dramatically. We owe this all to Dr. Wonderling and her staff, Ms. Jen and Ms. Kendra, whom worked with her twice a week. Our daughter loved going there and working with them one-on-one and doing new activities to help train her eyes to work together along with the processing. She also worked hard on the three days at home with the activities they gave her for homework. They got to know her well and treated her just as their own, willing to help her in any way needed. Any problems or questions were always addressed at each session and solutions and ideas were given.
We are eternally grateful for this vision therapy program and for all the help that Dr. Wonderling, Ms. Jen, and Ms. Kendra has given to our daughter. We look forward to her continued progress and her future success stories.
P.S. They had a FB post on 10/9/22 titled “A Little Secret About Your Vision Therapist” which I found is truly the truth about Dr. Wonderling, Ms. Jen, Ms. Kendra, and the entire VTA staff ?
-Parents of Natalie, age 10

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