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“Before vision therapy it was harder to read books. It was harder to see things far away and then up close again. The words would overlap. When I look at a paragraph it just looked like so many words. I was tired a lot at the end of the school day. After vision therapy my eyes have completely changed. They got stronger. Now when I see words it’s way easier to read just as well as or better than my classmates. It fun getting to know all the people at vision therapy.”
-Reed, Age 8

“We are so thankful to have found Vision Therapy Academy. Our 8-year-old son, Reed, was avoiding reading at all costs. He loved being read to, and excelled at math, but would do anything to not have to do reading or writing work, even though he loved school. Reed would be exhausted at the end of the school day and experienced frequent headaches. Reed’s second grade teacher was concerned about his reading level, and she and I agreed that something wasn’t adding up. For a bright child who had been exposed to books his whole life, it just didn’t make sense for him to not be a great reader. We knew about Vision Therapy because Reed’s cousin had gone through the program and had great success, but it never occurred to us that Reed might need it. We decided to have him evaluated and Dr. Wonderling explained to us that he had convergence excess and accommodative insufficiency. He was over focusing and seeing double when looking at print, and his eyes weren’t strong enough to go back and forth focusing near to far all day at school. No wonder he was tired at the end of the school day!

Reed absolutely loved vision therapy and his teacher noticed a difference after only a few sessions. His confidence has improved along with his academic achievements in reading. He was moved to a more independent reading group and his computerized testing score for reading went from the 6th percentile at the beginning of the year, to the 63rd percentile for his grade level by the end of the year. His tracking and automaticity changes were even more impressive. He is now at or above grade level in all areas which is just where he needs to be.

Reed seems calmer and more at ease, and his headaches have decreased while his stamina for school has increased. We couldn’t be happier with the progress he made with vision therapy. Even though it was a huge time commitment with a 1.5 hour drive each way, twice a week, it was worth every minute. He loved both of his vision therapists and the homework was always doable and helpful. We are looking forward to seeing continued progress during the school year and beyond. Thank you all for your dedication to this amazing field.”
-Parents of Reed

August 2022

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