Testimonial, Owen

Posted on by shannon@visiontherapyacademy.com

“Vision therapy helped me with baseball, basketball and soccer. It also helped me with school like seeing the white board. It helped me in baseball so I could see the ball coming towards me and hit the ball. It helped me with basketball because I could see the hoop better to get more points. It helped me in soccer because when I’m the goalie I can see the ball coming into the goal. Now I use both of my eyes! Thank you Jennifer and Shannon.”

-Owen, age 9

“We are VERY pleased with how far Owen has come during vision therapy. Over the past several years we have done some eye patching and drops to help strengthen his weak eye. Unfortunately every time we would fall behind his eye would regress and we would lose the progress that we made. Owen is very involved in sports and LOVES basketball, football, soccer and baseball. He is a great athlete but we really noticed in baseball last summer that he was struggling to see the ball. By the end of the season he wasn’t able to hit the pitches. During our vision therapy consultation we discovered why! For the first time Owen is finally using both of his eyes together to see! His results have been stable and we aren’t regressing if we forget an eye drop. He is able to hit a baseball and can actually see the pitch coming to him! He is also noticing a difference in reading and the other sports he plays. Vision therapy has been WONDERFUL for us. Thank you so much Shannon and Jennifer. You have changed Owen’s life!”

-Owen’s parents 

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